How to Fix HP Printer Offline issues ?

The reason for your printer to be offline can be mainly because of two reasons : 1. Your Printer is not set as default and that is why your pooler has to be alerted. 2. The sleep/snooze period is very small and that is why it goes offline if the printer remains inactive for a small period of time. I will discuss how to Fix HP PrinterOffline and make your Conan printer online manually. Follow the given set of instructions carefully: Step 1: Click your computer's "Windows" button and go to your computer system control panel. Step 2: Click "Devices and Printers," this will bring you to a tab that lists your printer. Search for the name of your printer and right-click. Make sure your printer has been set as the default printer from the drop-down menu. If this option has been checked, uncheck it and save the settings, go down and see the "Use Printer Offline" option. Reboot your printer and see if it solves the issue. Modified steps: 1...